Current RSE Provision

The teaching of relationship and sexuality education (RSE) is mandatory for all pupils of compulsory school age. All grant-aided schools are required to have a RSE policy that is based on consultation with parents and pupils. It is the responsibility of the Board of Governors of each school to ensure that a comprehensive programme is delivered which meets the needs of its pupils and aligns with its RSE policy. This policy can be crafted by the Board of Governors to ensure it reflects the ethos of the school.

The statutory curriculum for personal development and mutual understanding at primary level, and the personal development strand of the learning for life and work area of learning at post-primary level, includes high level prescribed content for RSE at each key stage; this is the minimum entitlement that all young people must legally receive. 

The minimum content for each Key Stage can be seen by clicking the buttons below:

Beyond this, teachers are expected to 'provide a balance of experiences' drawn from a list of examples prepared by the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA). Worryingly CCEA have recently launched an RSE Hub which encourages schools to promote LGBTQ+ ideologies and other sexualised content. However, schools are currently able to ignore any resources that do not match with their ethos or RSE Policy.

Details on CCEA's RSE Hub can be found by clicking here. A selection of the most worrying content contained within their accompanying Progression Framework can be found by clicking here.

Action Points

  • Find out what the current policy around RSE is in your child's school (available on website or via school directly).
  • Ask to see the resources used if you're worried about any aspect of the policy.
  • Address all communications to the Board of Governers.